NewsWeekly UpdateAmnesty for Illegal Firearm Owners

1 November 2021by finandlaw-admin

The Government of Tanzania has granted amnesty for illegal firearm owners to surrender their illegal owned Firearms and Ammunition within a period of 30 days between 01st November 2021 to 30th November 2021.

According to the Government Notice No. 774 of 2021, namely, Exemption of People surrendering Firearms Notice, 2021 that was issued by the Minister for Home Affairs, the amnesty is meant to relive the illegal owners of Firearms and Ammunition from any prosecution or criminal liability from such illegal ownership.

Regulation 2(2) lists the areas or places where people can surrender the said firearms and ammunition to be any police posts, local government offices (Street and ward offices) any where in the Country. The regulations further states that arms should be surrendered between 0800AM in the morning to 0400PM in the evening.

The Regulations have however not stated what would be the consequences for failure to surrender. But according to section 20 and 21 of the Firearms and Ammunition Control Act, 2015 (Cap. 223) owning or possessing illegally firearms attract a jail sentence of up to 5 years.

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