INTRODUCTION The Government of Tanzania through the Central Bank Governor, has issued the new Foreign Exchange Regulations with effect from 13th May 2022. The new regulations were issued through the Government Notice No. 294 of 13th May, 2022 replacing the previous Foreign Exchange Regulations that were issued under Government Notice No. 629 of 1998. Besides,...

INTRODUCTION Between 09th July and 28th September 2021, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania assented into law various amendments of laws that were passed by the Parliament. The Amendments makes numerous changes on various laws to curter for among others, compliance, and regulatory business environment in Tanzania. This update, therefore, reviews some of the amended...

INTRODUCTION On 08th October 2021, the Government of Tanzania published a set of new Tax Regulations that provides and carters for efficient tax administration but also streamline the tax exemption process and procedures. The Regulations issued are: The Tax Administration (Remission of Interest and Penalties) (Revocation) Regulations 2021 Government Notice No. 713 of 2021 The...

The Government of Tanzania has granted amnesty for illegal firearm owners to surrender their illegal owned Firearms and Ammunition within a period of 30 days between 01st November 2021 to 30th November 2021. According to the Government Notice No. 774 of 2021, namely, Exemption of People surrendering Firearms Notice, 2021 that was issued by the...

The Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Home Affairs (under the Office of Registrar of Societies) has issued new directives to change the status of all existing Certificates of Registration of Societies from permanent registration to time based registration. According to the Public Statement from the Registrar of Societies dated 10th August 2021 notified...

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