Financial Sector

Commerce requires new approaches every time and borrowers and lenders prefer their advisers to be novel in their thinking a well as practical in their approach. FIN & LAW has ample experience in practices in Tanzania in the banking and finance sector (Banking, Insurance, Capital Markets). FIN & LAW is involved in project financing, property and housing finance, debt restructuring and other forms of corporate finance (including large scale syndicated lending transactions). FIN & LAW represents lenders, issuers, lead managers, borrowers and security agents / trustees on debt syndicated loans. We also provide services on pre lending reviews, perfection of security documentation, recovery of non-performing loans, general advisory on banking law and practice. We also assist companies entering into the business or financial sector to secure banking business licenses and other licenses. Our lawyers’ advice on all aspects of insurance and reinsurance law, whether corporate, regulatory or contentious. Our mix of specialist skills and experience has resulted in an industry focused team committed to the highest standards of client service. We offer advice on insurance claims and contracts. We provide compliance transactional and litigation services to insurers and to financial services industry generally.

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    FIN & LAW and Cross Border Associates (CBA) entered into an agreement for global alliance to facilitate global cross-border mid-market mergers and acquisitions and all related services.



      FIN and LAW House, 193 Rose Garden Road, 14112 Mikocheni Area, Dar, Tanzania
      +255 22 277 3815 | +255 22 270 1493

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