The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 5) Act, 2019 that became effective on 19th September, 2019 made amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications Act, Cap. 306. The said amendments sought to regulate both subscribers (customers) and service providers, distributors, agent or authorised dealers on the use of unregistered SIM Card whereby, Customers who use unregistered SIM Card, the law imposes a fine of not less than 3 million Tanzania shillings or imprisonment of not less than 6 months or both.
For service providers who cause unregistered SIM Card to be used, the law imposes upon them the fine of not less than ten million Tanzania shillings or imprisonment of not less than twelve months or both. An additional fine of TZS 750,000 shall be imposed for each day if the service provider continues to commit the offense.