NewsLegal Alert: Activities of TFDA now shifted to the new Authority, TMDA and TBS

30 July 2019by finandlaw-admin

Officially July 2019 the activities of the Tanzania Foods and Drugs Authority (TFDA) have been re-designated to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and to Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS):  The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, Cap 219 was amended to redesignate the activities that were done by the Tanzania Foods and Drugs Authority (TFDA) relating to food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics to only  medicines, medical devices. Consequently, TFDA has been changed to become the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA). On the other hand, all activities that were conducted by TFDA relating to quality assurance and safety of food and cosmetics products, have now been transferred to Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) effective 01st July, 2019. Specifically, TBS will handle all activities relating to registration of production premises for food and cosmetics products and registration and certification of locally produced and imported food and cosmetics products.


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