NewsFIN & LAW nominated for World Bank’s 2019 PPP Contractual Provisions Updates and Tanzania PPP Framework Model Documents Review

1 April 2019by finandlaw-admin

The World Bank Group nominated FIN & LAW among the key stakeholder on workshop for the review of the updated edition of its Guidance on PPP contractual Provision. The workshop that was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania aimed to empower FIN & LAW and other contracting authorities with better and more comprehensive understanding of the standard provisions of PPP agreement, such as contracting authority’s step-in rights, termination events and assets hand back provisions. The nomination and training solidified FIN & LAW comprehensive understanding and practice in PPP and Project Financing legal and transactional implementation in Tanzania.


Earlier, FIN & LAW was also recognized, nominated and participated in the review of the Tanzania draft Model Bid Documents (Request for Proposals, Request for Quotation and PPP Agreements) for Public Private Partnership in Tanzania. The aim and purpose of nominating FIN & LAW among others was to tap on its expertise in order to improve the PPP procurement process by using model documents that will be key input to be considered by Public Procurement Regulatory Authority that has mandate to oversee PPP procurement process in Tanzania.

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